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Health & Safety
for Ears

Mitigate the impact of noise on your employees' health and safety by utilizing our convenient mobile hearing tests, personalized on-site custom earplug services, noise measurements and more.

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Mobile Hearing Tests
Hearing Conservation Program
Custom Earplugs

We are proud to serve

Mobile Hearing Tests

Our mobile team brings mobile hearing tests directly to your location, setting up soundproof booths in your work environment for convenient testing. These tests play a crucial role in any hearing conservation program, allowing employers and workers to monitor the impact of noise exposure on their hearing. Take advantage of our mobile hearing test services for the following benefits:

  1. Minimize production downtime by offering on-site services.
  2. Customized scheduling to minimize disruptions to production lines.
  3. Manage claims related to noise-induced hearing loss.
  4. Deliver comprehensive reports to company administrators.
  5. Conduct up to 24 hearing screening tests per hour.
Hearing Tests
ODYO Mobile_Booth

Custom Earplugs

In situations where eliminating noise at the source is not feasible or the noise levels remain too high, custom earplugs offer the optimal solution. Our team will come to your location to take precise ear impressions of your workers' ears for tailor-made earplugs. While you may currently provide disposable foam earplugs to your workers, here are a few reasons why custom earplugs should be considered instead:

  1. Custom earplugs ensure reliable noise reduction since they can only be worn in one perfect way.
  2. They are more durable than other options, with a lifespan of 3 to 4 years.
  3. Over this 3 to 4 year period, the cost of disposable earplugs adds up to almost twice as much as custom earplugs.
  4. Significant reduction in environmental waste is achieved when using custom earplugs compared to disposable options.
Custom Earplugs
ODYO Mobile - Custom Earplugs

Measuring Noise Levels

Central to effective hearing conservation programs is the crucial task of noise measurement. Our team utilizes leading dosimetry and sonometry methods, recognized as industry standards for precise analysis of noise exposure over time and frequencies. In addition to basic measurements, we employ cutting-edge noise mapping to provide a detailed overview of your workplace's sound environment, identifying areas with high noise levels, locating sources of noise, and uncovering any unnoticed patterns. This comprehensive approach enables us to more accurately assess the risks of noise-induced hearing loss, equipping employers with valuable insights for noise control. Our goal is to create a safer work environment with reduced risks of hearing loss, demonstrating our dedication to auditory health and the well-being of workers.

ODYO Mobile - Sonometer
ODYO Mobile - Dosimeter

Training & Awareness

At ODYO, our goal is to empower your team members through comprehensive hearing health training. By gaining a deeper understanding of the significance of a hearing preservation program, individuals are more likely to fully engage in the initiative.

  1. Educating on the detrimental and irreversible impact of noise exposure on hearing health and overall well-being
  2. Familiarizing with occupational health and safety regulations concerning noise
  3. Stressing the importance of utilizing appropriate hearing protection
  4. Providing insights into workers' audiograms
  5. Offering individual consultations and expert evaluations for special cases.
Hearing Health Training
ODYO Mobile - Training


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Bertrand-Johnson Acoustique
is now a part of ODYO

As a leader in workplace hearing health since 1976, our mission at Bertrand-Johnson Acoustique is simple: to prevent occupational hearing loss.

Today, our company has over 350 industrial clients across Canada, and we are eager to do more.

Learn More